BAGIDA 13 – Marching Under A Different Name

In recent weeks, it was announced that Bagida will change their name to ‘Pegida Muenchen’, and had their new banner on display today. Stuerzenberger’s absence has left a hole which was filled in by neonazis being directed by Birgit Weissmann and Stefan Werner- definitively revealing it as a far-right movement. Attacks and aggression against journalists andordinary citizens are more commonplace under their leadership.

This week was one of Pegida München’s weakest rallies: Only 110 attended. The internal conflicts were apparent in the crowd- unfriendly chats with Stuerzenberger were highly disruptive, while during a speech Peter M. is told to calm down or the police will be called. This appeared to not dissuade him. Some impressions:

Despite rallying on Facebook and in person for the need of a new nationalist movement that unites all rival nationalist factions, Philipp Hasselbach (die Rechte party), he was nowhere to be found during this rally.

Regardless of this showing, it is still evident that Munich and the surrounding areas remain heavily indoctrinated with nationalistic and racist mindsets.
