After months of summer break and PEGIDA not showing up on announced sites, for the second time in september 2015, the regional branch of the racist PEGIDA movement from Dresden marched through Munich. After the city tried to stop the racists from passing by historically charged buildings – which is usually granted by law – the “PEGIDA München e.V.” won in front of a regional court the right to march on its ancestors trails. As twittered after – at the most – 1 hour a member of PEGIDA was taken in custody due to supposedly showing the forbidden “Hitler-Gruß”.
Erste #person wegen vermutlichem #hitlergruss mitgenommen #pegida #münchen @muenchen_de @BR24 @aida_archiv
— 24mmjournalism (@24mmjournalism) 14. September 2015
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The PEGIDA rally did not get very far though – a group of approximately 100 counter protestors blocked the road at the end of Königsplatz. Police asked them to remove themselves from the street – but then decided to guide PEGIDA around through a little gap on the sidewalk. As usual riot police officers where only watching the block instead of separating PEGIDA members from antifascist protestors. Only facing the block police officers did not see Ramazan S. – member of Brigade Giesing (neonazi/hooligan association) run up to the blockade and kick inside. Only one civil police officer stood right next to him – sending him back into the racist mob (as to be seen on this picture) instead of arresting the neonazi immediately. Ramazan S. has been noticed attacking photographers and counter protest before.

(Sorry for the blurry picture at the same moment a riot police officer was shouting at me for supposingly taking portrait pictures of “his” officers.)
PEGIDA then walked relatively undisturbed up to the Odeonsplatz – the historical place for SS members to pledge allegiance to Nazi-Germany and Hitler himself. For the second time a colleague was kicked out – trying to document neonazis standing where their ideological leaders formerly held rallies.
Rechtsterroristen u. Neonazis stehen bei PEGIDA #München vor Feldherrnhalle.Polizei wirft Presse auf Neonaziwunsch hin raus. #Pressefreiheit — Robert Andreasch (@robertandreasch) 14. September 2015
(The same collegue stayed calm the whole evening – always trying to avoid contact to PEGIDA members – even though Rolf Hecht, member of the party “Die Freiheit”, followed him around for at least one hour)
All in all it has to be stated: The Munich police uses more time on watching peaceful counter protestors and restricting press work – instead of watching neonazi terrorist joining a racist rally through Munich deeply historically charged quarters.
To conclude my report on last night – a collection of my pictures – most of them can be bought for commercial and editorial usage on DEMOTIX.
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