Only at the most 200 have come to join this weeks anti-islam rally in Munich. After PEGIDA was blocked on the historically charged date of November 9th by 3000 citizens, the “concerned citizens” assembled again to march through Inner-city Munich. Already in the beginning the numbers of counter protestors were far outnumbering the racist rally. As every week the same ones have come:
- “concerned citizens” holding up flags for France reminding us that this is all about islam trying to infiltrate us
- people suffering from paranoia (walking by as I take a picture of a banner and as soon as I am done they start following me around and bugging me whom I work for – usually I sarcastically answer “Mossad” or something similar)
- Rolf H. known for attacking photographers and blocking camera lenses with his flag (it broke this time whilst using it as a weapon against an “enemy”)
- Karl Heinz Statzberger – public figure of the far right party “Der III. Weg”, convicted neonazi terrorist
- Thomas S. – also convicted neonazi terrorist (last time shouted at counter protestors “Fotze” [“cunt”] trying to provoke a conflict and this time constantly taking pictures of counter-protest
- Activists from the old party “Die Freiheit” – anti-islam activists that used to make politics with Michael Stürzenberger
- Activists from “Die Rechte”, “NPD and other far right parties
All in all it can still be concluded neo-nazis are warmly welcomed at PEGIDA Munich (“PEGIDA marshals” welcomede them once again with hugs and handshakes)
After some speeches in the beginning – focusing a lot on being blocked a week ago and marching today – PEGIDA started at Odeonsplatz onto the little round trip around the “Hofgarten”. The participants of the march were constantly shouting: “Es gibt kein Recht auf Volksverrat!”; “Merkel muss weg!” & “Gestern Paris, morgen Berlin!”
#pegida #münchen zieht an der amerikanischen Botschaft vorbei und ruft: “Es gibt kein Recht auf Volksverrat”
— 24mmjournalism (@24mmjournalism) 16. November 2015
Video from my Twitter-Timeline, also whilst passing the american consulate.
The anger of PEGIDA members not able to march last week could be felt.
Especially when getting in contact with …
Counter Protest

From the beginning on Munich citizens gathered around the PEGIDA cage and loudly displayed their mischief with PEGIDA trying to march again. Some counter protestors handed bananas over the cage. One PEGIDA member took three bananas and smashed them on the floor. Only minutes later Stefan S. “PEGIDA marshal” wanted to file charges against the counter protestors for throwing bananas.
Members of PEGIDA handed out spreadsheets asking people to participate in the racist marches. A counter demonstrator burned one of those.
Very small gallery of some counter protest:
After PEGIDA started marching counter protestors organised two…

After 3/4 of the PEGIDA route the first roadblock was set up by citizens. Approximately 25 people sat down to show their mischief with PEGIDA. Route was blocked for 45 minutes. While riot police forces immediately were on site to film participants of the action of civil unrest and shout at them, PEGIDA had almost no police company. Taking the lead Karl Heinz Statzberger and other neo-nazis keep walking up to the block shouting “Wir sind das Volk!”. Only 10m away from the road-block the Munich police department ist able to stop the mob. But still single PEGIDA participants are able to leave the demonstration. For example Thomas S.:
The riot police forces – not realizing to have a neo-nazi terrorist standing right next to them – pushed him into counter-protest. Only one week ago in the exact same situation Thomas S. started a fight with bystanders.
Just hours after PEGIDA pictures of the roadblock appear on a neonazi Facebook-page:

After police threatens to remove the roadblock with immediate enforcement Munich citizens stand up and let the racist march pass.

But just around the next corner in front of Feldherrnhalle the rest of the counter-protestors have formed blocks by showing civil unrest and sitting down.

Police started to act unlawful – opposing what happened earlier (with talking to the blockers for three times over speakers and giving them the chance to remove themselves) riot police forces just started pushing and punching the opposing protest. I witnessed a girl with a bike being brutally pushed into the mass of counter protest – her bike was thrown over by riot police forces. As PEGIDA came closer police started to get more and more violent.
How were any of these actions lawful?
As I tried to document the unlawful situation at Odeonsplatz the interference of police with press work reached a new level.
Freedom of Press at PEGIDA Marches
A photographer was choked by riot police group leader pulling on his press ID badge. The officer then pretended the ID was faked and tried to use immediate force against the journalist and push him into the mass of counter protest. After grabbing and pushing the journalist he then took the ID out of the badge and had it filmed by colleagues. Criminal files against this group leader are to be charged in the coming days.
Also riot police forces kept telling photographers to walk at least 20 meters away from PEGIDA. As I asked them to please call the press speaker – that I could not spot in any situation I would have needed support – a USK group leader just told me [roughly translated]:
“… as I told you before keep away 20 meters from the march, and I don’t care what the press speaker told you … “
As usual also PEGIDA members blocking cameras with flags came up very close. The situation with polic officers got even worse, compared to last week.
Collected in the following video: PEGIDA not being stopped by police marching towards road-block & oppression of freedom of press.
All in all it can still be concluded PEGIDA Munich has been shown once again that Munich citizens do not like the racist mob marching through Munich and will use civil unrest to stop them.
Heinz Meyer PEGIDA Vorstand announced at the end of the march that PEGIDA is going to march every single day from January 1st on. It will be interesting how my concerned citizens will join a daily hike through Munich.