Our second day in Athens started off once again with some breakfast at Exarchia Square. To get to know people better we hung out at City Plaza Hotel bar after that. Our colleagues of the film-team had to leave late at night so they spent their last day with the people, their lives and stories they documented.
At around five o’clock a photographer of reflektierter-bengel.de and me took a taxi to Thissio. At a concert the night before we were told to come to the so called ‘Antifa League’. Antifacist soccer teams playing in the middle of a park next to a very touristy area.
After that we met some people that we got in contact with. They are refugees and supporters living in a squat near Exarchia Square – the heart of the alternative district that police does not enter. As it is ramadan right now we had to wait for the sun to go down to eat. The day was very hot so they had some struggles as they are also completely fasting water until the sun has set. After dinner we got into more talks. Stories of the people that have fled and are searching cover from police now in the squat are very touching and I will report about the incidents and the situation for them in another story. But some pictures of the preparation of our delicious and very generous dinner invitation to enjoy and envy:
Right now we are on the way to the Greek Macedonian border. Police is evicting the leftover refugee camps. Check out my Twitter in a few hours for more information from on site.