As every Monday the racist PEGIDA movement gathered once again last night. Approximately 300 came to join the “constant, minimal protest” as PEGIDA Munich called it itself – amongst the mass: Neo-nazis and people openly displaying their hatred against refugees.
New were even more openly far-right radical shouts by the demonstrators and counter-protestors on site reported a woman was showing a hitler salute for minutes and nobody stepped in.
My photo-report of last night:
The inner city of Munich is blocked for the racist PEGIDA movement.
A sign stating “Cologne is colorful” – linking the sexual harrasements that happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne to an open, democratic society.
Amongst PEGIDA warmly welcomed: A group, led by convicted neo-nazi terrorists.
A PEGIDA activist holds up a flag stating “Refugees not Welcome” – right next to him neo-nazi party functionary and convicted terrorist Karl Heinz Statzberger.
Also Tobias Roidl – leader of the regional far right party “Die Rechte” – that recently made it to newspapers with his job as a banker is amongst the PEGIDA mass.
An old lady poses screaming for cameras and shouts at counter protestors.
“No limit for deportations” states this sign.
PEGIDA starts marching through innercity Munich.
“Do you believe in everything you read?”-sign carried by Birgit Weißmann – whilst cussing at photographers to be “Zecken”
PEGIDA re-arrives at Odeonsplatz.
Stefan Werner – PEGIDA organisation board member blocks camera lenses.
Neo-nazis depart early from PEGIDA to move towards the historically very charged Feldherrnhalle. Munich police departement intervenes their thrive to pose – once again – on the building where Hitler made SS-soldiers pledge allegiance.