Neonazis march through Hesse town of Büdingen lead by Melanie Dittmer

buedingen 20160130 24 - Neonazis march through Hesse town of Büdingen lead by Melanie Dittmer

Yesterday approximately 100 neonazis marched through the small Hesse town of Büdingen near Frankfurt. Melanie Dittmer – neonazi multifunctionary – called for the demonstration to supposively help the town against the ‘uncontrolled influx of asylum seekers‘. Heavy rain was kicking in as the nazis started their march through the city. At least 800 counter protestors showed their mischief about the march. Alongside of the route antifacist activists trying to prevent the nazis from marching ended up in smaller clashes with Hesse riot police forces. The self claimed ‚nationalist front‘ marched through the small town preaching antisemistism, racism and neonazism. Speakers were Dan Eising (Die Rechte Nuremberg) and regional Hesse as well as NRW NPD functionaries.

