On Monday the local PEGIDA branch marched once again through inner-city Munich. The racist group seems to be losing followers. This Monday the amount of participant has reduced further.
NPD and marshal with criminal record
As usual amongst the participants: NPD functionaries posing for cameras, neo-nazi Lukas Bals from Dortmund – serving as a PEGIDA marshal and other far right extremists. Bals has conducted violent attacks on antifacist activists in the Cologne area in the past: https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/57818
Surprising that he is approved as a PEGIDA marshal since he has a criminal record.
After the racist march started antifacist counter protestors tried to block the route. USK riot police forces started brutally evicting the tried roadblock. One officer (seen in picture below) dragged a young man of the street pulling him only on his head. After fast intervention of riot police, PEGIDA was able to march undisturbed passed the block on the assigned route back to Odeonsplatz.
Antifa Reisen GmbH
Heinz Meyer presented a video at the final rally displaying ‘researches’ about buses that departed from Munich on Saturday at 2 A.M. that according to him traveled to Stuttgart to participate in Protests against Meeting of AfD. No people could be identified from the video. Heinz Meyer subtitled his video with “Reisebus der Firma Antifa Reise GmbH”.