Spontaneously antifa activists gathered to demonstrate against an election party of the AfD held due to elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. As the demonstration approached the restaurant “Portugal” in the disctrict of “Berg am Laim” in Munich where AfD gathered, known activists such as Chris Ares – a far-right rapper, Lukas Bals – already spotted with the leader of the Bavarian Afd trying to disturb a colleagues talk, Rick W. and other activists tried to stop the rally. Violence erupted as the demonstration approached. Chris Ares called out activists for fighting with him in the middle of the street. Cussing, spitting and hitting the group violently attacked the demonstration. Rick W. hit a journalist’s head as the demonstrators had already left the site. Lukas Bals spit at a journalists leaving as the situation got dangerous. Chris Ares jumped into a journalists head, and tried to kick a photographer of 24mmjournalism. Photojournalist Anne Wild documented the attacks by Chris Ares:
AfD-Wahlparty München: Angriff auf Pressefotografen durch Chris A. (Rapper “Deutscher Patriot”) #AfD #NoAfD @BJVde pic.twitter.com/Wr2FurfBBg
— Anne Wild (@annewild_muc) 4. September 2016
Picture gallery
By now [Tuesday, September 6] several newspapers have reported the incident. Chris Ares has announced to sew 24mmjournalism for publishing this pictures and taken down his Facebook page stating that he is a “Person Of Public Interest”. His private Facebook profile has been taken on- and offline several times. Only minutes after the first publication of this article Ares posted on his profile:
This post has been edited later on more than once. By now it is deleted, as newspapers and -pages have reported about the reaction.
Süddeutsche Zeitung – http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/friedenstrasse-bei-afd-wahlparty-rechtsextreme-greifen-fotografen-an-1.3149276
Die Welt – https://beta.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article157962437/Pruegelei-bei-AfD-Wahlparty-in-Muenchen.html?wtrid=crossdevice.welt.desktop.vwo.article-spliturl&betaredirect=true#article-comments
Abenzeitung – http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.gegner-demonstrierten-vor-wahllokal-afd-wahlparty-endet-in-schlaegerei.e6b9a72a-aceb-4aec-b06f-d2764a7e0828.html
TZ – http://www.tz.de/muenchen/stadt/berg-am-laim-ort43346/muenchen-karate-angriff-afd-wahlparty-ich-hatte-wirklich-angst-6721639.html
Münchner Merkur – http://www.merkur.de/lokales/muenchen/ost/muenchen-karate-angriff-afd-wahlparty-ich-hatte-wirklich-angst-6721639.html
neues deutschland – https://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/1024425.antifa-demo-von-afd-anhaengern-attackiert.html
Die Zeit Online – Störungsmelder – http://blog.zeit.de/stoerungsmelder/2016/09/05/gewaltausbruch-bei-afd-wahlparty-in-muenchen_22309
Reflektierter Bengel – http://reflektierter-bengel.de/tritte-und-schlaege-bei-afd-wahlparty-in-muenchen/
Huffington Post – http://www.huffingtonpost.de/2016/09/06/afd-wahlparty-muenchen_n_11866782.html?utm_hp_ref=germany
AFD denies connections in Newspaper – Thugs participate in Election Party
By Tuesday September 6, an AfD spokesman has given an interview to local newspaper Abendzeitung about the thugs and the escalation in front of the restaurant. In the statement Wilfried Biedermann denies that the AfD has any connection to the persons that started beating up antifascists in front of the restaurant. Also Biedermann states that every person participating and entering the restaurant ‘Portugal’ was controlled and their ID was checked. The inside of the restaurant can be seen in a video uploaded to the party’s own YouTube-Channel AfD Television. In the video Lukas Bals, Chris Ares and another thug can be spotted:
Videoquotes from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj4fowh2yNM ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buf22XGGhrU
To prevent further vain attempts of the party to deny a connection and the thugs participation after the beatings in front of the restaurant: The videos where taken as there is already predictions about the quote AfD took in the election polls. As usually in Germany the first predictions where published a 6PM on the evening of the election. This is at least twenty minutes after the beating took place. This once more proves that the thugs participated in the election party.