[Picture Gallery] Eviction of Hambach Forest Occupation

hambacherforst 20180913 14 - [Picture Gallery] Eviction of Hambach Forest Occupation

For more than six years activists have been holding the forest of Hambach occupied. Energy company RWE wants to clear the ancient forest to expand the nearby located open lignite mine. 3500 police officers on duty are attempting to evict and clear the forest. Judically this is backed due to the ‘danger of fire’ in the forest. Activists are resisting by building barricades,  chaining themselves to tree, staying in underground tunnels to prevent the usage of heavy machinery. Excrements were thrown at police pushing back special forces. Repeatedly newly arriving activists reach the forest running past police lines. On the first two day only 7 of about 50 tree houses were searched and destroyed. Activists have been taken into custody. For the upcoming days several other actions have been prepared.
