PEGIDA Munich gathered for their weekly march through inner city Munich yesterday. Approximately 250 had come to join the racist movement’s protest.
New compared to the last weeks:
- A
slightly changed – but clearly recognizable – version of the so called “Reichskriegsflagge” (=Imperial War flag) that was used from 1867 to 1945 by German armed forces in state of war
Correction: The flag waved yesterday was a Prussian War flag – but the same participant already carried an Imperial War Flag some weeks ago at PEGIDA:
- A banner of the “Identitarian Movement” was carried right next the front banner – for more informations about this far right movement:
- The screening of the sexist and racist video “Schlampen Barbie” (translated: Barbie-slut) – that I am not going to link in this blog. Roughly described the video corroborated racist resentments regarding refugees and people arriving in Germany.
Photo-report about the march last night: