PEGIDA Munich 01-25-16 – Identitarian Movement Joins With Banner

pegida 20160125 8 - PEGIDA Munich 01-25-16 - Identitarian Movement Joins With Banner

PEGIDA Munich gathered for their weekly march through inner city Munich yesterday. Approximately 250 had come to join the racist movement’s protest.

New compared to the last weeks:

Correction: The flag waved yesterday was a Prussian War flag – but the same participant already carried an Imperial War Flag some weeks ago at PEGIDA:

  • A banner of the “Identitarian Movement” was carried right next the front banner – for more informations about this far right movement:
  • The screening of the sexist and racist video “Schlampen Barbie” (translated: Barbie-slut) – that I am not going to link in this blog. Roughly described the video corroborated racist resentments regarding refugees and people arriving in Germany.

Photo-report about the march last night:
