Approximately 2000 people demonstrated against war and NATO in Munich today. A high number of Police forces was on site. Amongst demonstrators also PEGIDA founder Katrin Oertel. In general the demonstration stayed peaceful – only after activists light a flare a little tension built up.
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Protestors gather on Karlsplatz/Stachus.
“Not in our name!”
Speakers at the beginning of the demonstration. Irritating statement from the stage: “No national flags are allowed – but the flag of Palestine!”
Kathrin Oertel posing in front of noSIKO demonstration
“Anti-imperialist Action Munich” forms a small block. Statements by this group concerning conflicts with Russia, the Syrian civil war and the Middle-East are filled with conspiracies.
Kathrin Oertel marching with noSIKO demonstration
Clowns posing in front of riot police officers.