On Thursday July 7th the Nuremberg branch of the racist PEGIDA movement gathered in Fürth. Only a little more then 50 people came to take part in the rally – the counter-demonstration attracted more then 600 people. Neonazi Dan Eising, “Die Rechte” showed up in company of local neonazi comrades with a self-printed “press ID”. Surprisingly police let Dan Eising pass at first without problems, even though the “Press ID” was clearly self-made. After colleagues talked to the press official on site, Dan Eising was first taken into custody and the fake ID was scanned. Then minutes later Eising could continue his “work”. This is especially delicate because Eising has tried to sneak into antifascist structures in Nuremberg before to investigate: https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/137080
Picture Gallery
Counter-protest at Fuerth central station.
Counter-protest at Fuerth central station.
Counter-protest at Fuerth central station.
Dan Eising taking pictures of counter-protest.
Dan Eising taking pictures of counter-protest.
A counter-protestor is taken into custody.
T-Shirt of a PEGIDA participant stating (roughly translated): we are not right-extremists, we are extremly right.
Counter protestor sneaks into PEGIDA mass with a sign stating: “AfD has to go!”
Tegetmeyer speaking.
Ernst Cran. Funeral Orator
Edwin Wagensveld, also called Ed, the Dutchman. Was hunting refugees recently in Bulgaria with Tatjana Festerling.
PEGIDA starts so called “walk”. Fuerth inhabitants let down shutters as the group walks by.
Counter-protest is hold off the route by police. Two subway stations were completely locked for the small racist group.
The rally stops to listen to Tegetmeyer speaking at turning point