PEGIDA starts marching again – police violence errupts

pegida police violence 20160718 18 - PEGIDA starts marching again - police violence errupts

After a longer break due to legal issues with the city of Munich PEGIDA marched again on Monday July 18th. The rally started with speaks at Odeonsplatz. At the most 150 participants had come to join the ‘new beginning’. Heinz Meyer opened the rally with the words:

“Der Islam gehört nicht zu Deutschland!” – Heinz Meyer, PEGIDA July 18th
(“Islam does not belong to Germany!”)

Stephano Simon preaches hatred


A “highlight” of the rally was speaker Stephane Simon that had the opportunity to insult, scream and spread his hate twice during the rally. He kept repeating that he is homosexual and that he found some of the counter-protestors quite sweet and would not have touched them as hard as police officers did. Especially delicate: Stephane Simon used to be a federal police officer. More information on his person and former statements in this article: (sorry for the anti-feminist link, but they enlist information about Stephane Simon)
A very remarkable statement by Simon in his first speach was that as soon as “people like him reign” all the people demonstrating against PEGIDA will become refugees.

 In his second speech Simon tried to analyze the attempted coup in Turkey. This ended in screaming, shouting at counter-protestors via microphone and insulting people such as chancellor Angela Merkel and counter-protestors standing near the fence around Odeonsplatz

Dynamo Dresden Hool, III. Weg, BIA and Die Rechte

As usual neo-nazis were on site. Petra K. affiliated with neo-nazi party III.Weg showed up in company of Dan Eising that recently took pictures of counter-protestors in Fürth with a self-printed press ID. Other participants were wearing far right symbols such as a button of the “Europäische Aktion” and the “BIA”. Along with the group was a very aggressive hool from Dresden shouting at journalists and insulting counter-protestors. Munich police departement allowed the group to leave the PEGIDA cage and wander around counter-protest. In the past this has lead to violent attacks.

March and police violence

As the racist mob started walking antifascist activists set up a roadblock. Riot police forces immediately started pulling people off the streets. After one group was thrown onto the sidewalk a policeman punched a girl in the face. According to reports her nose is broken and she had to be treated by an ambulance. A riot force paramedic participated in the eviction. Instead of helping hurt people he dragged antifascists off the streets and pushed them into a backyard.

Video of the probably unlawful eviction:

Two more small roadblocks were set up on the route. PEGIDA was able to march with hardly any stops. Up until  11:30 PM PEGIDA was showing videos on Odeonsplatz, but not really rallying. According to reports only few participants stayed that long and were just eating popcorn.

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