Demonstration against Bavarian 'Integration Law' in Munich

integrationsgesetz fb 20161022 12 - Demonstration against Bavarian 'Integration Law' in Munich

On Saturday October 22nd more than 1800 people gathered in Munich to rally against the so called ‘Integration law’ that has been drafted by the Bavarian conservative party CSU and will worsen the situation for refugees. The participants of the demonstration were a potpourri of labor unions, parties and political groups. After smoke grenades were launched and paint bombs were thrown Munich police forces violently tried to split the mass of demonstrators injuring more then fifty people according to paramedics on site.

Non-citizen’s participate in rally fighting for their rights

Protest against New German Integrationlaw in Munich - Police Violence Errupts
Refugee Struggle block.
After non-citizen’s organizing themselves as Refugee Struggle for Freedom held a protest camp and –march to Nuremberg during the past two months, the group participated in the demonstration on Saturday. Several times sit-ins and choreographies were performed.

Violence erupts after smoke grenades and paint bombs

Protest against New German Integrationlaw in Munich - Police Violence Errupts
Paint on police helmet.
At Sendlinger Tor antifascist activists according to reports pulled a banner above their heads, launched smoke grenades and paint bombs. Police forces on site tried to split the rally and separate the demonstration. According to news reports six people were arrested.

Pictures taken by colleague Robert Andreasch during escalation:

Paramedics on site told 24mmjournalism after the demonstration that they had to treat more then fifty people with injuries. The types of injuries varied: At least 35 times the paramedics treated irritations due to pepper spray, 2 possibly broken hands, 2 head injuries and some minor lesions. This is the highest number of hurt people on a rally in Munich for at least one year. The paramedics’ statement can be found on their website:

Paint attack performed on SPD Munich headquarter?

Entrance to SPD headquarter.
Passing by the german social-democratic parties’ headquarter one could notice neon-pink, black and purple color splashes across the buildings glass facade. It seems like activists conducted a paint attack on Munich SPD‘s headquarter. One can suspect that the reason for this attack might be the participation of the SPD in the rally even though the party agreed on the draft of the Integration Law.

After the rally ended riot police forces went into the mass of demonstrators listening to speeches on Odeonsplatz several times causing chaos and confrontation. To support activists incarcerated some demonstrators held a spontaneous rally in front of the Munich police department’s headquarter. Also here riot police forces violently arrested at least one person. All of this is a new level of escalation during a labor unions’ demonstration in Munich.

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